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    Winterspring Mawlid 2024

    Come! Quench Your Thirsty, Weary Heart, With The Name Of The Beloved! صلى الله عليه و سلم Starting on the 5th September 2024 at 7.00 pm (GMT).
    Watch Mawlid Live

 Winterspring Mawlid 2024

Nur al-Habib Foundation are honored to host Winterspring Mawlid 2024.

Join Shaykh Asim Yusuf and our special guests over 12 exhilarating Evenings of remembrance, praise, poetry, songs and lessons, celebrating the birth of the Beloved of Allah (Peace be upon him).

Theme for this Year: This year we will be honoring the Prophet (Peace be upon him) with Beautiful & Inspiring Poetry. Definitely not to be missed!

Dates: 5th September – 16th September 2024 (12 Day Event)

Time: 19.00  – 22.00. Everyday.

Eidgah Academy
124 Walsall Road, Perry Barr
Birmingham, B42 1SG

Watch Live on YouTube Daily via:
*** http://tiny.cc/WSM-2024 *** (This Link is valid for all 12 Days)

Subscribe to our “Nur al-Habib Foundation” YouTube channel and Facebook page.

Discover the Islamic Scholars & Nasheed Artists performing during Winterspring Mawlid 2024 (PDF Download – Size: 12.3 MB).

Nur al-Habib Foundation invites you to attend with your families & friends each night. And to Spread the love and blessings by forwarding this Website to your Family & Friends.

Visit our Foundation to register for our upcoming Courses/Events via the “Nur al-Habib Foundation” website via: www.nuralhabib.org

Event Details

Date: Everyday from 5th Sep – 16th Sep 2024

Time: 7.00 PM – Everyday

Location: Eidgah Academy, 124 Walsall Road, Perry Barr, Birmingham, B42 1SG

Online: via YouTube >

Live Streaming

To Watch Live via YouTube visit: * http://tiny.cc/WSM-2024 * at 7.00 PM Everyday. Everything will be Live Streamed via our YouTube Channel. And for Live chat Click Here.

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Nasheed Groups in the Past
  • Aashiq-e-Rasool
  • Manaqib
  • Al-Musafirun
  • Shaam
  • Mikael Mala

To Watch Past Nasheed Performances Click Here >


Watch Live Mawlid

Watch Winterspring Mawlid daily, live from anywhere around the world. Watch Here

5,000,000 Salawat Challenge

Join our challenge in sending 5,000,000 Salawat upon the Prophet (pbuh). Pledge Here

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 Join us in sending 5,000,000 Salawat. Salawats Pledged: 12,850,548


Remaining Salawats Required: 0

About Winterspring Mawlid

Winterspring Mawlid is a collaborative initiative based in the UK to celebrate the advent of the Best of Creation, Our Master Muhammad (pbuh).

History & Background: Uniting in Love for the Prophet (PBUH). Inspired by Renowned Islamic Spiritual Masters – The Winterspring Mawlid is an initiative of the Nur al-Habib Foundation: an attempt to unite people in love with the Messenger of Allah (s) at a time when the world celebrates the memory of his blessed arrival. Inspired by the nightly remembrances of Hazrat Ghulam Muhyi al-Din Kazi of South Africa in particular, and the practices of spiritual masters in general, it was first inaugurated in the UK in Rabi al-Awwal 2011.  It is organised and led by Shaykh Dr Asim Yusuf, also known as the munshid Talib al-Habib.

About The Event: Transforming Hearts and Lives. Praised by Muslims Nationally and Internationally – The programme was well received and quickly surpassed organisers’ expectations, with each night hosting a full house in addition to numerous attendees joining the live stream from the UK and from around the world.  Currently, between 150-300 men, women and children attend in person each night, with another 100 online, and with the final night hosting over 500.  Over the twelve days, attendees collectively recite over 10 million salawat, in addition to thousands of Sura Yaseen’s.

What We Do: A Truly Unique Experience. Combining Traditional Islamic Scholarship with Inspiring Dhikr – The program is unique: focussed on dhikr and highly participative, commencing with group recitation of Quran and ending with group recitation of the 201 names of the Prophet (s).  Each night, different esteemed scholars deliver short talks around a central text or theme, and a number of classical works have been covered in previous years.  It also features – over the twelve nights – a complete recitation of the only original English Mawlid work: the Soliloquy of the Full Moon.

The Soliloquy of the Full Moon

The Original English Mawlid

‘Dazzling! Will stir love and yearning for Allah’s Beloved (s) in your heart and mind.’   (Shaykh Faraz Rabbani – Seekershub Global)
‘A blessed and magnificent mawlid, beautiful and serene.’  (Shaykh Ahmad Sa’ad al-Azhari)

First-Ever Traditional Mawlid in English: This is the first ever traditional mawlid work composed in English. Long bereft of an opportunity to truly appreciate classical works about the birth, early life and characteristics of the Prophet (s), English speakers can now enjoy the complete mawlid experience in their own language.

A Remarkable Feat of Poetry: Over 1000 lines of fully metered traditional poetry, and accompanied by six musically scored qasidas by Talib al-Habib, the Soliloquy was composed by its fifteen year old author over the first 12 nights of Rabi al-Awwal 1436.

Comprehensively Covers the Life of the Prophet (PBUH): Over 12 chapters, it covers the names, virtues and lineage of the Prophet (s), the signs and wonders preceding and heralding his advent, his early life, the first revelation, the mi’raj and his blessed characteristics, before a concluding supplication.

A Versatile and Inspiring Addition to Evey Home: It is a must for every home, and can be just as easily recited to one’s children at bedtime as in large formal gatherings. Authenticated by scholars, and entirely in inspiring rhyming verse, it is a truly blessed work.

Exclusively available in a Beautiful Hardback Edition: Bound in a beautiful hardback edition, it has been launched exclusively at Winterspring 2015 and is available online at www.NoorYusuf.com.

Visit: Noor Yusuf

Winterspring Mawlid 2024 Children’s Programme

Starting from the 5th September to the 16th September 2024. Everyday at 7.00 PM. In-Person Attendance ONLY

­Did you know we’ve been running a successful and popular children’s programme alongside our Winterspring Mawlid every year?

Immerse your child in learning about the Best of Creation ﷺ … from the re-telling of stories, expressing their love through art, crafts, sketches and other creative mediums. We aim to keep them fully occupied and enthralled whist you enjoy the Mawlid.

The Winterspring Children’s Programme runs every night, on the below dates, times and location: 

  • Date: 5th September to 16th September 2024
  • Time: 7.00 PM – 10.00 PM. Everyday. 
  • Location: Eidgah Academy, 124 Walsall Road, Perry Barr, Birmingham, B42 1SG.

The Children’s Programme is for children aged 5 – 11 years ONLY.

In-Person Attendance ONLY.

Register your child now using the link below.

Spaces are limited so hurry!

Click Below Link to Register Now:

People Winterspring

  • It is an honour and a privilege to be part of this event. Because of the knowledge I have gained through these sessions, my world has changed, literally! My family dynamics have improved. I have become so self aware as a person and it all has started to make sense. I feel better equipped as a parent, a daughter and sister and teacher.

    Khadijah Abdullah, Teacher
  • I’ve been attending Winter Spring Mawlid for many years now. It has changed my life for the better. I have gained knowledge that I wish I had years ago. I recommend Winter Spring Mawlid to everybody.

    Dr Asim is one amazing person. His knowledge is so vast and the way he delivers the lessons is truly amazing. If anyone deserves a Medal of Excellence, it has to be Dr Asim for delivering in an amazing way.  They say that a student never forgets a good teacher. Dr Asim is one teacher I’ll never forget. May Allah bless him and his family and grant him Jannah al Ferdos for all his hard work, Ameen.

    Mohammed Khan, Accountant
  • Masha Allaah a very well structured and organised event, May Allaah reard those that organise it, set it up and teach it.

    It truly is an inspirational event and Ustaadh Burhaan Masha Allaah what humble Teacher, So full of humility and his teaching methods just leave you wishing the lesson did not have to come to an end. Masha Allah coupled with Ustaadh Burhaan just leaves wanting to draw closer and closer to Allaah. May Allaah bless you all.

    Ahmed Siddiqui, Student
  • I’m loving this Winter Spring Mawlid. I look forward to it every year and I’m really benefiting from it! Im learning lots and have met lots of great sisters here. I’m a revert to Islam and find the class atmosphere very welcoming where as others Iv found rather daunting! Id recommend the event to anyone. JazakAllaah Khair toeveryone involved in running the event.

    Claire Birks, Pharmacist

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© 2024 WinterSpring Mawlid.
Website by Amar Shafi
